Community day services
what are day services?
Clearbrook’s Community Day Services programs offer an array of weekday services to adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities. By providing a variety of opportunities, our clients are able to expand their interaction with their peers, their community, and the world at large within structured settings. An individualized program plan is developed around each client, resulting in services that are a blend of instruction, interventions, activities, and experiences. The planning of services focuses on encouraging and supporting participants to express their interest.
Community Day Services provide participants with opportunities to continue to learn based upon their interests and abilities. Emphasis is placed on socialization and community participation.

Program highlights
- Art activities serve all clients and utilize the visual arts to promote independence, motor control, and personal expression.
- Music activities include music appreciation and music-making with drums, guitars, pianos, and tambourines.
- Fitness and exercise are encouraged for all program participants.
- Each participant has a series of individualized strategies, developed around his or her unique needs.
- Community Day Services partners with community organizations, allowing our clients the opportunity to volunteer.
PURSUIT is a collaborative program between Clearbrook and NWSRA (Northwest Special Recreation Association) that provides opportunities for continued growth for adults with disabilities through recreation and leisure activities that are fulfilling and enriching.
It is designed to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities 21 years and older throughout the year by creating recreation and leisure opportunities, improving health and wellness, teaching life skills, self-advocacy, and community integration. Admission is continuous throughout the year, subject to availability.
PURSUIT is certified by the Department of Human Services, Division of Developmental Disabilities.
PURSUIT serves adults with disabilities over the age of 21. A two-week trial will be initiated following the initial intake assessment in order to determine eligibility and needs.
Senior Day Services Activities and Creative Experiences for Seniors (ACES)
Activities and Creative Experience for Seniors (ACES) is a program that was developed to enhance the quality of life for its participants by providing active programs and choices designed to meet the unique needs of individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities in the later stages of life.
The ACES programming is unique to the senior population. Created from staff and client input, the ACES program has designed multiple groups that participants are involved with on a daily basis. Community integration and utilization of community resources are also integral to the ACES Program.
- Each month, ACES participants can choose to take part in 80-100 program activities.
- ACES receives significant clinical support from occupational therapists, physical therapists, a counselor, behavioral therapists, and nursing staff.
- The ACES program location has an attached resource center and training facility developed specifically for seniors with intellectual/developmental disabilities.
All participants must have a documented developmental disability and be over the age of 50 in order to participate. Exceptions to the age 50 rule can be made based upon a diagnosis of dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease.
Participation in the ACES Program is voluntary, and participation is not required of any clients.