Clinical Services

Clinical Services

Clearbrook provides occupational, physical and speech therapy from licensed practitioners and assistants to aid in the treatment of individuals with developmental disabilities. Participants receive routine evaluations as well as ongoing individual therapy in private and group sessions which are integrated in the clients’ day program environments. For individuals who have incidences of behavior problems, Clearbrook will work with them to positively enhance their relationship with other people and their surrounding environment.

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Our Impact

  • Approximately 600 individuals receive Clinical Services
  • Behavior services are developed and/or supervised by Board Certified Behavior Analysts
  • Clients receive services in the clinic as well as in their home and day program.
  • Clinical staff provide training both internally and through workshops and conferences that are open to other professionals as well as the public.
  • Clinical staff are employed by Clearbrook, while most other Adult Service Providers contract with outside consultants. Our model allows our clinicians to have more intimate follow-up as well as provide staff training and services to the clients in their home and day program settings.

Types of Therapies offered

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Physical Therapy

Focuses on improving mobility and functionality but also enhances overall well-being and fosters independence

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Occupational Therapy

Focuses on enhancing functional independence during daily activities, and addresses specific challenges 

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Speech Therapy

Addresses communication challenges, fosters improved language skills, and enhances social interactions

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Contact Us

If you would like more information about Clearbrook’s Adult Behavior Services, please contact:

Kat Kedryna, M.A., BCBA
Director of Behavior Services

If you would like more information about Clearbrook’s Therapy Services, please contact:

Laura Rampey, OTR/L, EdM,
Director of Therapy Services

Program Requirements

Typically, participation is open to individuals 18 years of age and older. Behavior Services and other clinical services have been made available to younger clients served by our Home-Based Services as well.

Staff Positions & Responsibilities

Licensed Speech Therapist (SLP) – Completes evaluations and provides therapy to clients receiving speech therapy. Supervises all interns and a speech therapy assistant.

Speech Therapy Aide – Carries out objectives to enhance the quality of communication of the clients served.

Licensed Occupational Therapist (OT) – Completes all of the evaluations and supervises the occupational therapist aide as well as any occupational therapy interns.

Occupational Therapist Assistant (OTA) – Carries out many of the services recommended in the occupational therapy evaluations while working directly with the clients.

Licensed Physical Therapist (PT) – Completes all of the evaluations and supervises the physical therapist aide as well as any physical therapist interns. Ensures that the clients’ wheelchairs are appropriate in meeting the specific needs of each client.

Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) – Carries out many of the services recommended in the physical therapy evaluations while working directly with the clients.

Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) – Provides individual and group therapy, as well as supervise interns who assist in carrying out counseling services to individuals and groups.

Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) – Completes functional assessments and provides behavioral supports to reduce incidents of problem behaviors and improve the adaptive and social skills of the clients. Assists in supervising interns.

Behaviorist – Provides services to the clients in the Intermediate Care Facility (ICF) programs by developing plans that reduce incidents of problem behaviors and improve the adaptive and social skills of the clients.

All of the Clinical Services staff persons provide training to staff persons in the agency and several have participated in workshops and training sessions at conferences open to the public.

General FAQs