Child and family connections (cfc)

Clearbrook's CFC is the second largest provider of Early Intervention services in the state of Illinois in terms of families served each year.

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what is cfc?

At CFC, we coordinate evaluations and assessments of children from birth to 36 months to determine whether a child exhibits qualifying delays in one or more of the following areas of development: physical, cognitive, communication, social or emotional , and adaptive.

Families with children who are determined eligible for Early Intervention services receive an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). The IFSP is developed with the family. The IFSP drives the services and supports available to the family.

Early Intervention

Early intervention (EI) is a system of services that helps children from birth to three years old with developmental delays or disabilities. EI focuses on helping eligible infants and toddlers learn the key skills that typically develop during the first three years of life.

Learn More

Contact Us

For general inquiries contact:

Jason Tietz

Program Director


For service provider inquiries contact:

Sherry Mackey

Local Interagency Council Coordinator & Parent Liaison


age requirements

Child and Family Connections serves young children from birth to age three. When a child turns three years of age, Clearbrook will assist with a referral to the local school district so that special education services can continue to provide needed assistance.


Clearbrook’s Child and Family Connections’ administrative offices are located at:

1835 W. Central Road
Arlington Heights, IL 60005

Areas served include, but are not limited to zip codes:

60004, 60005, 60006, 60007, 60008, 60010, 60015, 60016, 60018, 60022, 60025, 60026, 60029, 60043, 60053, 60056, 60062, 60067, 60068, 60070, 60074, 60076, 60077, 60082, 60089, 60090, 60091, 60093, 60095, 60107, 60120, 60133, 60149, 60169, 60173, 60192, 60193, 60194, 60195, 60196, 60201, 60202, 60203, 60204, 60666, 60712, and 60714

Staff Positions

Director – Manages the entire program.

Assistant Director – Supervises Service Coordinators, plus has a small caseload of families.

Service Coordinator – Also referred to as a case manager, coordinates services on behalf of the child and family.

Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant – Provides support to staff and families regarding emotional and mental health issues.

Parent Liaison – Parent of a child with special needs who is available for family support and community resources.

Local Interagency Council Coordinator – Coordinates a local council which identifies and coordinates resources and services available within our service area.

Intake Coordinator – Takes referrals for Early Intervention services.

Anyone can make a referral. 

To make a referral to CFC#6 please call (847) 385-5070 or fill out the form below.